If I could lend you a piece of my soul
what with it would you do...
Could you see the world through my eyes
and then see me...

Could you feel the beat and hear it...
the beat that no one hears but me
The beat that sometimes I trip over my own feet
and sometimes gracefully cascade across the floor to...
As I make my way through this dance I call my life

Could you figure out what makes my
spirit stand out in such a bold silhouette
Yet often, I still
feel...so invisible

If I could lend you a piece of my soul
could you see past your own insecurities
long enough to see mine...
...long enough to see my heart
long enough to see me...

How loud do I have scream inside
all these jumbled thoughts keep me awake at night
There's so many people here and yet I feel so alone

Sometimes I think it's just me and God
because he's the only one who knows me...
He saw my soul so many times 
and held the little girl who used to stay awake and cry at night

If only... if you knew me...

"He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength." Isaiah 40:29

Weeks of training led me to my graduation day in boot camp (Air Force.) I had left (at home) 4 kids and a husband while I was away. I missed them terribly. I'd never been away from my kids before, ever. Boot camp was a little easier for me than others, considering that I was older than most of the others who had just come out of high school, and considering that I was married with 4 children already, and had already been through a lot of life's "boot camp." The TI's didn't scare me nor did they change me. But I still learned a lot of valuable lessons, and there's one I will never forget.

I had to run a mile and a half in less than 12 minutes in order to graduate boot camp. I have never been a good runner, and I certainly didn't become a better runner after having 4 kids. I was nervous about that run test, because I knew that if I failed, I would be recycled back into a flight who was a couple of weeks behind mine, thus, having to wait that much longer to see my family...my children.. whom I missed most of all.

My TI knew that I was worried. We'd had more than one private conversation in his office about my children & worries of not graduating on time. I had done well to get through those long weeks of training... but sometimes, usually at night time, when our day would slow down & we'd have time to think, I'd cry to see my kids. I'd cry just to hear their voices, because we were lucky if we even got a 5 minute phone conversation to home once a week. At one point, my TI called me to his office and offered to give me some extra phone time to call my kids. As bad as I wanted to take the offer, I declined. I told him that I knew everyone else missed their families just as much, and that I just didn't feel right about getting special privileges to call my kids. He said my situation was different, but honored my feelings on the matter.

The day of the run had approached. I was on a track, with hundreds of others running the same track and the same test. We had 6 laps to run to reach a mile and a half. We wore ankle devices that counted our laps because it's just impossible to make sure that many people run their required laps at the same time.

So I ran. I was in tears by about the 3rd or 4th lap. When you have to run that long with a short time limit it hurts your body. My face was red and I was ready to give up. But I kept picturing my kids faces in my mind, and did my best to keep pushing forward, knowing that I could see them if I just passed this test.

My TI was watching me as I ran every lap, but I didn't know it. As I crossed the line and ended my 5th lap, I saw my TI running right beside me from the corner of my eye. He could see that I was about ready to give up. He could see that my body was tired & I'd become too weary to finish. He began to yell at me, "Come on Cameron!!! You can do this!!! Come on!! I am not going to let you fail! You are going to see your kids!!!.... " His encouraging words was just enough to keep me going, because my body had already given out on me. His words kicked my will power in, and my mind finished that run.

He did this with me all the way around the track until I finished that last lap. He could've been watching and running with any of the others. But he didn't. He watched me, and he ran out onto the track to run with me and only me. I passed my run test in just over 11 minutes.

We all get this way spiritually. We become weary and ready to give up. Our bodies get tired. Our minds get worn down by the enemy, and some of us even quit. But God is watching each and every one of us and counting every lap we run. None of us are needles in the haystack on this track. He sees everyone of us and he knows where every one of us are. Some of us just stop listening for his voice when we get tired. What would we all be if we really KNEW that he's running right beside us and pushing us along?

He never gives up on us. He never leaves us. He KNOWS we get tired. He KNOWS the enemy attacks us. But he believes in us just like my TI believed in me. Even when our feet are dragging the pavement and we're ready to fall over and quit, he still believes in us. He won't run this race for us, because it's a choice we all have to make for ourselves. But he'll run with us, and he won't give up on us.

There is an end to this race, and only God knows when. YES, you're going to get tired! You're going to want to quit! The devil is going to do all that he can to wear you DOWN. But keep running! Keep pushing forward!

The day before my graduation, we ran what was called the "Airman's Run." You'd think that after all those weeks of NO sleep, constant training, and running a mile & a half in under 12 minutes just the day before, we'd be too exhausted to run TWO miles for the airman's run. The mental exhaustion of boot camp alone should've been enough to make us quit. This run was special though. We ran with our flights in a steady formation and sang jodies all the way, and towards the end of that run, our families were waiting on the sidelines, cheering & hollering for us as we rolled in... heads held high, smiles on our faces, pride swelled in our hearts, and renewed strength! We weren't tired because just knowing that everything we'd gone through was worth it, and knowing that we'd finally made it gave us back strength we didn't know we had.

I can just imagine that THIS is what the end of our race will feel like one day. Our strength was renewed by the beautiful sounds of our jodies and the beautiful sounds of our loved ones on the sidelines. All the weeks of training & tears were behind us...we had made it to the finish line! We finally got to march across the "Bomb Run" the next morning as we graduated. It was the first time we'd been allowed to even see the bomb run during our weeks of training. Heaven is waiting for us to march across its gates too! We dreamed for weeks about seeing the bomb run for the first time. That is an airman's goal, to see that bomb run for the first time the morning of their graduation. It's sacred ground at Lackland AFB.

Don't stop running! Don't give up! God is with us. God is in us! The heavenly Bomb Run is our final destination, and we're just passing through this world! This isn't going to last forever! Heaven is forever. The WORD is forever. GOD is forever. Push through your tears! Push through that burn! Push through your pain! Push through your sweat and KNOW that GOD won't let you fail if YOU DON'T WANT TO FAIL! I passed my run by the mercy of my TI's voice, but only because I DIDN'T WANT TO FAIL!


Devotional reading: all of Isaiah 40 (It'll bless you to read about what a MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!)
The Bomb Run & My flights in the distance, getting to ready to set foot on it!
"And the Lord said unto satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thy hand. So satan went forth from the presence of the Lord."
 Job 1:12

It's happened many a times over the years to me in my dreams. I get this feeling of darkness come over me, and I try to shout for Jesus & my mouth will either turn to squishy jello so that I can't talk, or "Dark" (as I like to call the dark figures) just muzzles it everytime I try to shout out the name of Jesus. It's literally the feeling that someone has their hand over my mouth. In the past, it has scared me, and I've woke up in sweat, tears, and just plain feeling totally disoriented. I've always ended up being able to call on Jesus' name, but it is always a struggle before the nightmare is over. Last night's visit was a little different then all the other times though.  Dark came & tried to scare me in my dream again. I don't know what the dream was about. I only remember that I was walking, and Dark tried to scare me by using the surprise tactic. It literally jumped in my face, short of saying "BOO!" to scare me. I didn't panic this time though. I wasn't even scared, not even a little... I wasn't even startled by the "surprise" tactic. (And I knew right when it showed up that it was the same familiar, evil spirits that have taunted me in my dreams before.)

I simply stopped walking right in my tracks. I looked it straight in the "face", and I started LAUGHING. It wasn't just any laugh either. It was a deep down in my tummy ache kinda' laugh. I simply found it absolutely amusing that Dark tried to scare me. And it just stared back at me, quite taken with my response. Dark seemed confused, with a shocked & defeated look on its "face." For a change, Dark didn't know how to react to ME. For a change, Dark's sly attempt to creep up on me unexpectedly & rattle my soul was an epic fail.

When I was done laughing, I said, "I rebuke you"... and at that moment, Dark tried to muzzle my mouth again, like it had done so many times in the past. But it didn't work this time. I just pushed passed the muzzle, and yelled so loud, "I rebuke you in Jesus name!" that I literally said it out loud, and literally woke myself up mid sentence, in just enough time to hear myself yelling it out loud. I wasn't crying when I woke up. I wasn't sweating or scared, not one bit. I was in total peace, and quite smug about it, to say the least... so I closed my eyes, said a quiet thank you to Jesus, and went back to sleep, peacefully...

Last night was a defining moment in my walk with God. Nevermind the years of anguish that are behind me! Nevermind the unknown future that's ahead of me! Nevermind those spirits who have taunted me since I was a little girl, showing themselves in dreams and visions, showing themselves in this world & the people around me...something changed forever in that moment of laughter. Dark will never be able to shake me again.

Maybe I laughed at Dark because I've seen it so many times before, that it's become laughable that Dark thinks it can still scare me. Maybe I laughed because Dark looked so pitiful trying to scare me with its surprise tactic... almost as if it were cute, the way my 2 year old would be cute if he had tried to scare me in the same way.

I know though, that Dark can never scare me again. I remember as a child, "stomping" on the devil, by stomping my feet on the ground, and proclaiming that I was stomping on the devil. It was an act of innocence & "pretending" as a child. But now... now it's just real. Dark has no power over me. Maybe Dark is a cute 2 year old, next to the super strong tower I call my God... who, resides, in me.

I'm not afraid of you anymore Dark. Your evil shadows linger in this world, I know. You tear people down, you tear their worlds a part, their families, their lives... and you've even been known to assist them in their suicide. I've heard your stories from others before... I know I'm not the only one you've taunted out there. But you've been harrassing me for as far back as I can remember. I must be something special, because you've invested an awful lot of time into me.

You can't touch me. You've never been able to touch me. You can't scare me anymore... I'll laugh in your face. This world you devour can't have me. I won't dress like it. I won't talk like it. I won't think like it. I won't live like it. I won't die like it. I'm not yours to have. I never have been.

 People look at me and think that my "religion" makes me follow a bunch of rules to be a part of it. I look at people and think that this world makes them follow a bunch of rules to be a part of it. I'm not following any man's rules. I'm just the spitting image of my Father, like any child. And this world, this world that is being led around like puppets on a string as they live in darkness & their lives are torn a part & being taken away...  is the spitting image of Dark.

Dark can't have us all. Because we all have a choice. And God's mercy is greater than the shadows who linger in this world. He's coming ... he's scooping up his people, and Dark, you just can't do anything about it. There aren't enough demons in hell to overpower the power that's in me. There never will be. There never was. He's always been with me. He's been in me since I asked Him in as a little girl, and He's never left.

I'm pushing through your barriers at the speed of sound now, and Dark, you just can't stop me. You will never be able to stop me. Your attempts are laughable. You're nothing. Nothing. Nothing. You're nothing.

Got the devil's DNA in er'
An' the white dove in her heart
Quite the combination
With quite an ugly start

But hold no regrets dad
It's everything you coulda' been
... everything you shoulda' been
... everything she is
...everything you're not.

You think people fear your eyes
Then maybe they fear mine too
Do you think when they look at me, they see you
Nah... I got another set of eyes dad, didn't you know

At a glance, they might look just like yours
...an' maybe when I'm mad
But eyes are the windows to the spirit
An' that ain't your spirit behind my eyes, dad

Let's have a showdown ol' man
My eyes against yours
Let's stare til' our faces fall off
An' then see, which one of us is left in fear

You ain't nothn' ol' devil
...nothn' at all.

Got the devil's DNA in er'
But The Blood runnin' through her veins
Quite the combination
...quite, the combination.
The waves crash against my chest, and I can't breathe.
They roar as they roll and knock me down.
I get back up and run with all my might... into the waves again.
The mighty waves toss me under the water and throw me into the sand.
I scurry to the top and gasp for air...
Before I can breathe out the waves pounce against me once again.
Silence. Seconds of silence underwater last forever
And I'm tossed around under the roaring waves.

And then His gentle hands reach down and He says "be still."
The waves obey his command.
The waters are silenced... peace... peace...
That's where He keeps me.

She Stood.

Some have hurt my heart and made me cry.
Words, and even silence can devastate a soul sometimes.
Still, I stand.

Endless nights in prayer, endless weeping, humbling myself before God and those who do me wrong, and often, not even understanding why...
Still, I stand.

Hurricanes blow my way. The devil and his demons taunt my soul and try to whisper in my ears...
Still, I stand.

Those spirits try to attack my marriage, my children, all those I dearly love... in desperate attempts to knock me down.
Still, I stand.

Sometimes I get weary and discouraged as I walk this path to righteousness. Sometimes I feel like I can't make it anymore and that I was never meant to win this race. Take back your thoughts devil.
Because still, I will stand.

Sometimes I feel unworthy and insignficant. Take back your thoughts devil.
Because still, I will stand.

And there are times I feel like I can't ever do anything right, that I'm so clumsy on this spiritual road. Take back your thoughts devil.
Because... I will stand.

Oh, you think you'll overcome my spirit with doubt? You can have back your doubt... I'll stand.

And do you really think sending guilt and condemnation from my past this way, will break me? Keep your nonsense! I've been forgiven! Regrets are for idle saints.  
I'll stand!

When you're stumbling on your own walk and thinking of taking that other road my brothers and sisters...think of me, and know, I stand. Think of me and know, you too, can stand. Find your salvation again in knowing that His soldiers can stand, because they're covered in His blood!

And when my Maker has called me home, honor my written wishes, and don't hold a funeral for me. Have a singing, shouting, and dancing worship service in His honor, because you've been given your freedom! 

Celebrate my homecoming the way you'd celebrate any soldiers! Wear colors of freedom, and forget any garments in black...

And when someone stands behind a pulpit to give a word in my memory...
...just simply say, "She stood."  


That's Me

My hands are my voice but I'm not deaf.
I'm shy and withdrawn unless I know you well.
Words do not flow easily through my mouth.
I don't do well in a crowd.

My hair is my conviction and glory.
My hips have carried my heart 5 times and harbored 6.
I'm stubborn and pushy.
But I'm compassionate and understanding.

Sometimes I'm spiteful but I don't tell lies.
I'm not a Christian, but a sinner who strives to be like Christ.
I make a lot of mistakes but I learn from them as well.
I'm weak and unworthy; I'm strong and fearless.

I'm an open book if you know which page to find me.
I'm a mystery novel if you don't have time to look.
I'm bold and I'm scared.
I'm spontaneous but logical.

I'm affectionate and excited inside.
But I'm cursed with being reserved.
I'd like to show what's inside.
But I forgot how. I'm not sure if I ever even knew.

I believe a tamed but ambitious heart is simply wisdom.
I believe an untamed heart still has a lot to learn.
I cannot understand where anyone finds pride in that.
My pride is in my wisdom and grace.

I believe to respect your spouse is not demeaning.
I believe it's a reflection of your own self worth instead.
I believe in myself although I don't always meet my expectations.
I also believe in mind over matter when there is a will.

I view the world through the eye of my camera lense.
God is the one with the talent. I just try to capture it.
Although I could never begin to do his work justice.
My eyes see the world inside its frame even when my camera is out of reach.

I don't need glory or fame before I die.
I only need to know that I somehow managed to stumble...
to stumble on God's will, wherever that may be, before I die.
Crawling, walking, climbing, running... I don't really care how I get there.

I'm a constant work in progress.
I think it's funny that people call Christians a hypocrite when they see them doing wrong.
But they call them out for being "holier than thou" when they see them doing right.
I choose not to be identified by my religion, but by my God instead.

I'm self-conscious about myself, inside and out.
I trust easy because everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt.
I don't cry in sad movies.
But I cry when I watch the news.

It took me months just to write this.
Because I am still learning who me is.
I will never stop learning that because I will always grow.
Yep. That's me.